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Ultimate Magic Palette Kit “ I Need it ALL kit” This kit will give you everything you need to create wonderful watercolor paintings in your own home! We created this kit from our own personal stashes of watercolor must haves! This great looking tote is filled with tools that I use in my own studio everyday! It includes: 

16 pigment Magic Palette (Regular)

“Watercolor You Can Do” book filled with lessons, instructions, and line drawings to begin using my Magic Pallette.

Color Mixing DVD- the video will help you to begin creating wonderful colors the easy way! 

First 7 Brush Set- This set is my personal favorites. You will use these brushes again and again.

Custom Magic Palette Guide - Handy waterproof color guide and map to mixing colors & instructions on mixing a basic foundation of color.

Recipe Guide- Waterproof Guide for mixing the necessary amounts of pigments to create the basic foundation of colors. 

1/8 sheet (300 lb) Arches Paper - The only paper I use! You sit down and paint!

1 - Angular Shader Brushe size 1/4”- It will amaze you what a difference an angular brush can make in your paintings. 

Spritz Brush- used for applying fisket masking fluid, create textures and small grains 

Mean Brush- I will teach you to actually save paintings with this little guy!

Stylus - This tool is a must for tracing and applying masking fluid 

Transfer paper

2 test sheets 140 lb - This paper will be for your color test sheets and your starter recipe cards

Water dropper - perfect tool for getting just the right amount of water 

All packaged and ready to go anywhere an art tote created just for carrying watercolor art supplies!

"I want it all! Client Favorite!!

This one does NOT include the carrying tote in the photo above. 

Ultimate Magic Palette Kit “I Need it ALL kit”w/o Tote

SKU: 11
  • Based on the weight and location.

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