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New Paintings While Staying In!

"Flying High" Seagulls and Sea Oat by Sharon Long

Here is a little acrylic I just finished in the studio.

It is called "Flying High" and is 12x12 unframed canvas on wood stretcher bar.


Sky and Clouds

This is the first stage. I started with the background sky and clouds as you have to paint in layers in acrylic or your initial sketch will disappear.

Work in Progress Seagulls Sketched In

After the sky had dried, I added the birds and the sea oat sketches by free handing them, however an enlarged tracing is fine. I later added the dark values of the sea oat and then added the detail of the Sea Oat seeds and the lighter values.

The birds were painted in last.

Another small work I finished this is is available for sale. I hope you are all doing well and creating wonderful art too!


Little Beach View Acrylic 12x12 canvas


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